National Parks in Bangladesh: Best Tourism Places in Bangladesh

National Parks in bangladesh are very interesting places to visit. Government people of Individuals’ Republic of Bangladesh have announced seventeen areas as a Public Parks. These parks are one among the most fine decisions of voyaging Bangladesh.

The majority of the parks are articulates for the insurance of natural life. thus these nation wide stops in Bangladesh are the charming areas for the travel industry in Bangladesh.
List of National Parks in Bangladesh
SL. No. | Name of the Park | Location |
01 | Bhawal National Park | Gazipur |
02 | Ramsagar National Park | Dinajpur |
03 | Kaptai National Park | Chittagong Hill Tracts |
04 | Satchari National Park | Hobigonj |
05 | Nijhum Dweep National Park | Noakhali |
06 | Himchari National Park | Cox’ Bazar |
07 | Medha Kassapia National Park | Cox’s Bazar |
08 | Lawachara National Park | Moulavibazar |
09 | Modhupur National Park | Tangail/Mymensingh |
10 | Altadighi National Park | Naogaon |
11 | Baraiyadhala National Park | Chittagong |
12 | Birgonj National Park | Dinajpur |
13 | Kadigarh National Park | Mymensingh |
14 | Khadim Nagar National Park | Sylhet |
15 | Kuakata National Park | Patuakhali |
16 | Nababgonj National Park | Dinajpur |
17 | Shingra National Park | Dinajpur |
18 | Sheikh Jamal Inani National Park | Cox’s Bazar |
1. Bhawal National Park
Bhawal National Park was set up and kept up as a National Park in 1974. It was authoritatively announced in 1982 under the Wildlife Act of 1974. The center region of the recreation center covers 940 hectares yet stretches out to 5,022 ha of encompassing woodland.
Its motivation is to ensure significant environments just as to give occasions to entertainment. The region was noted for peacocks, tiger, panther, Black Panther, elephant, obfuscated panther and samba deer. The recreation center has 220 plant species, including 43 distinctive tree species, 19 bushes, 3 palms, 27 grasses, 24 plants, and 104 spices.
The natural life in the recreation center incorporates 13 warm blooded animals, 9 reptiles, 5 flying creatures and 5 creatures of land and water. Furthermore the Forest Department has as of late presented peacocks, deers, pythons, and catfish.
2. Ramsagar National Park
Ramsagar Public Park (Bengali: রামসাগর জাতীয় উদ্যান) is a public park in Bangladesh situated at. 25°33’00″N 88°37’30″E Tejpur, close to Dinajpur Area in the north-west of the nation.
The Recreation center is 27.76 hectare, in size, and is worked around a huge water repository known as “Ramsagar tank”.The lake is 1079m long and 192.6m in width. The dirt is red-yellow earth.
The tank was underlying the eighteenth century by Raja Slam Nath. It is accepted that the lake was uncovered by Lord Ramnath, Maharaja of Dinajpur before the Skirmish of Plassey. The tank was burrowed by 15million specialists at an expense of 30,000 Taka.
The recreation center is overseen by 8 staff individuals which incorporate 1 timberland officials, 3 nursery workers, 3 woodland watchmen and 1 guardian.
It was first settled in year 1960 and was before suggested that the recreation center be created as class-B public park for diversion and training by the Administration of east Pakistan in 1971.
It was pronounced as public park on 30-4-2001 under the Bangladesh natural life (Safeguarding) Revision Demonstration of 1947.
The plants inside the recreation center are eliminated by the nearby residents for food, grub, making furniture, medication and fuel.There is an abatement in the indigenous fish species because of expolitation. Different variables influencing the biodiversity of the recreation center are rural contamination, siltation, illnesses and floods.
3. Kaptai National Park
Kaptai Public Park is a significant public park of Bangladesh arranged in Rangamati Locale. It was set up in 1999 and its territory is 5,464.78 hectares(13,498.0 Sections of land).
Before announcement of the public park, it was Sitapahar Hold. The first Sitapahar Save territory was 14,448.0 sections of land. Out of this a territory of 100 sections of land have been dereserved for the foundation of the modern domain at Kaptai.
It is around 57 kilometer from Chittagong city. It involves with two Territories in particular Kaptai Reach and Karnaphuli Reach. Kaptai Public park is being overseen under CHT South Backwoods Division.
It is generally significant as a result of first time teak (Tectona grandis) estate in Bangladesh was begun from this territory. Its timberland type is blended evergreen woods. In 2009 IPAC(Integrated Secured Region Co-administration) venture began its exercises in this ensured zone.
Kaptai Public Park is interesting for its memorable fantastic Teak ranches of 1873, 1878 and 1879, the beginning stages of current Timberland The executives in this sub-landmass. These estates have investigated regular backwoods and supports untamed life.
Outstanding creatures are Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), western hoolock gibbon (Hylobates hoolock), Phayre’s leaf monkey (Trachypithecus phayrei), covered leaf monkey (Trachypithecus pileatus), dholes (Cuon alpinus), wild hog (Sus scrofa), sambar (Cervus unicolor), yelping deer (Muntiacus muntjak), blurred panther (Neofelis nebulosa), rock (Python molurus), and so forth Among these, elephants, blurred panthers and dholes are fundamentally imperiled types of Bangladesh.
Despite the fact that elephants and gibbons are genuinely normal, dholes and sambars are exceptionally uncommon.
It is a harbor of numerous wild feathered creatures. Remarkable flying creatures are red junglefowl (gallus), kalij fowl (Lophura leucomelanos), lineated barbet (Magalaima lineata), oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris), Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis), steers egret (Bubulcus ibis), incredible egret (Casmerodius albus), more noteworthy racket-followed drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus), wilderness myna (Acridotheres fuscus), huge blue flycatcher (Cyornis magnirostris) and so forth
A camera trap venture in 2014 caught first historically speaking live photograph of blurred panther in wild in Bangladesh. Likewise enormous blue flycatcher, another flying creature types of the nation was found
4. Satchari National Park
Satchari Public Park (Bengali: সাতছড়ি) is a public park in Habiganj Region, Bangladesh. After the 1974 Untamed life Conservation Act, in 2005.
Satchari Public Park was based on 243 hectares (600 sections of land) of land. In a real sense ‘Satchari’ in Bengali signifies ‘Seven Streams’. There are seven streams streaming in this wilderness, and the name ‘Satchari’ originated from that point.
The recreation center is arranged in Raghunandan slope, under Paikpara Association, Chunarughat Upazila, Habiganj Locale, under Sylhet area. It is 130 kilometers (81 mi) from the capital city of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
There are 9 tea gardens close by. Satchari tea garden is on the West and Chaklapunji tea garden is on the East. Roughly 24 groups of Tipra Clan are living now (2007) in the Tipra town.
5. Nijhum Dweep National Park
Nijhum Dweep Public Park (Bengali: নিঝুম দ্বীপ জাতীয় উদ্যান) is a significant public park and nature hold in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated at Hatiya Upazila, Noakhali Area in the Southern district of the nation. It is situated on the banks of the stream Meghana. It is likewise a piece of Sunderbans Delta.
Nijhum Dweep Public Park covers around 16,352 ha (163.52 km2) of Mangrove timberlands Biome. The land was proclaimed as public park by the Bangladesh government on 8 April 2001 under the Natural life Demonstration of 1974.
It is found 2 km (1.2 mi) south west of Hatiya. The Nijhum Dwip includes four to five little islands to be specific Singe Osman, Scorch Kamla, Burn Muri and Bellar Roast islands.
The territory is essentially made out of Intertidal mudflats and sand pads. It has a 20 km (12 mi) sandy sea shore and field. The atmosphere is commonly sticky and warm.
6. Himchari National Park
Himchari Public Park (Bengali: হিমছড়ি জাতীয় উদ্যান) is a significant public park and nature hold in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated at Ramu and Cox’s Bazar Sadar Upazila, Cox’s Bazar Area, in the southeast locale of the nation.
It is found fundamentally on the slopes and is connecting to Inlet of Bengal toward the west. Himchari Public Park covers roughly 1,729 ha (17.29 km2) of blended evergreen woods Biome. It was proclaimed an ensured territory in 1980.
It is found 13 km East of Cox’s Bazar town. The general appearance of the backwoods is different patches of thick timberland and prairies. The atmosphere is commonly muggy and warm. The recreation center has tropical storms from June to September consistently. The dirt is loamy, earth and sandy soil at different spots.
7. Medha Kassapia National Park
Medhakachapia Public Park (MKNP) is broadly known for ensuring the most broad stands of develop fundamentally jeopardized Garjan Dipterocarpus turbinatus trees in Bangladesh.
The recreation center is situated in Chakaria Upazila, not far north of Cox’s Bazar town in the southeast of the nation. MKNP is tropical semi-evergreen timberland on low slopes in Fulchari Woods Reach and covers 396 hectares. It was pronounced as a public park by a journal notice of Service of Climate and Timberland on 4 April 2004.
Initially the whole park territory was a rich Garjan timberland, yet parts have been infringed with horticulture. Other related local backwoods trees present incorporate Telsur Hopea odorata, Boilam Anisoptera scaphula, Gamar Gmelina arborea and Chapalish Artocarpus chaplasha.
Remarkable natural life incorporates Hoard Badger, and it is home to boisterous groups of White-peaked Snickering Thrush and the internationally weak Extraordinary Slaty Woodpecker which draw in winged animal lovers.
MKNP is circumscribed by 13 towns where a large portion of individuals depend straightforwardly or in a roundabout way upon the woodland.
Infringement by settlements and agribusiness has been related with tree poaching, chasing, and assortment of fuel wood, bamboo and stick and other woodland items. This is empowered by sawmills in the region and joblessness
8. Lawachara National Park
Lawachara Public Park (Bengali: লাউয়াছড়া) is a significant public park and nature save in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated at Kamalganj Upazila, Moulvibazar Locale in the northeastern area of the nation. It is situated inside the 2,740 ha (27.4 km2) West Bhanugach Held Timberland.
Lawachara Public Park covers around 1,250 ha (12.5 km2) of semi-evergreen woodlands Biome and blended deciduous backwoods Biome. The land was pronounced a public park by the Bangladesh government on 7 July 1996 under the Untamed life Demonstration of 1974.
Organic variety in the Lawachara Public Park comprises of 460 species, of which 167 species are plants, 4 land and water proficient species, 6 reptile species, 246 fowl species, 20 well evolved creature species, and 17 bug species. One of this is the basically imperiled western hoolock gibbons, of which just 62 people stay in the region.
The woods of Lawachara is of a blended kind, with the understory normally made out of evergreens, including Quercus, Syzygium, Gmelina, Dillenia, Grewia, and Ficus.
The upper overhang, then, is principally made out of tall deciduous trees including Tectona, Artocarpus chaplasha, Tetrameles, Hopea odorata. Toona ciliata, and Pygenum.
The first indigenous blended tropical evergreen vegetation had been taken out or supplanted during the 1920s. It is currently generally auxiliary woods with little leftover territories of rich essential woodland.
In the undergrowth are bamboo forests of jai bansh (Bambusa burmanica) and muli bansh (Melocanna baccifera), just as a few greenery animal types and different epiphytes.
159 plant species having a place with 123 genera and 60 families were concentrated in 2010. It incorporates 78 types of trees, 14 types of bushes, 42 types of spices, and 25 types of climbers.
Ficus (fig trees) and Syzygium (brush cherries), each with 7 species, were the most assorted genera. Other outstanding genera incorporate Terminalia, Dioscorea (sweet potatoes), Artocarpus, Calamus (rattan palm), Flute player (pepper plants), Alpinia, and Curcuma.
Undermined indigenous plant species incorporate Bridelia retusa, Zanthoxylum rhetsa, Alstonia scholaris, Phyllanthus emblica, Cassia fistula, Orexylum indicum, Semocarpus anacardium, and Garuga pinnata.
The western hoolock gibbon (hoolock) is a higher primate found in india. It is one of the main 25 most jeopardized primates and one of the six non-human primate species found in Lawachara.
In a statistics in 2007, just 62 people in 17 gatherings were found in Lawachara and in the more prominent West Bhanugach Held Backwoods. However this is the greatest enduring gibbon populace in Bangladesh.
The Lawachara populace is considered of basic significance as it is probably going to be the last suitable populace of western hoolock gibbons that will make due into the following century.
9. Modhupur National Park
Madhupur Public Park covers a territory of 8,436 ha (20,850 sections of land). The Timberland was set up as a public park by the Bangladesh government in 1962 at the same time, was authoritatively pronounced as Public park in 1982 under the Bangladesh untamed life (Conservation) Revision Demonstration of 1947.
The park is situated at Madhupur Upazila, Tangail Region in the North locale of the nation. It is around 125 kilometers (78 mi) away from Dhaka.The neighborhood geology primarily comprises of level beat edges (Chalas) intrsected by various depressions(Baids).
The recreation center is effectively available by the street consistently. The recreation center is an acclaimed place of interest because of the regular and picturesque magnificence.
The overall stroll in the backwoods is simple because of the level landscape. About 40% of the woods region is covered with Sal (Shorea robusta) trees. Madhupur timberlands are viewed as a standout amongst other sal woodland in whole Bangladesh.
The sal trees develop in relationship with Dillenia pentagyna, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Adina cordifolia, Miliusa velutina, Lannea grandis, Albizia spp., Bauhinia variegata, Spondias mangifera, Butea frondosa and Barringtonia acutangula.
The undergrowth is shrubby which incorporates Eupatoriun odoratum, Pennisetum setosum, Asparagus racemosus and Rauwolfia serpentina. Manors of Teak Tectona grandis, Cassia siamea, Morus spp.,Teminalia arjuna and Syzygium cumini were made in the recreation center region.
176 plant species were recognized in the recreation center which incorporate 73 tree species, 22 bush species, 27 climbers, 45 restorative plants, 8 grasses and 1 palm species.
10. Altadighi National Park
Alta Dighi is found around 56km away from Zilla Sadar. Its length is 1113 meters, broadness 42.81 meters and volume of 42.81 meters. It is an exceptionally appealing spot for the travelers. This is arranged precisely close at the India-Bangladesh outskirt at the North Bengal. There is an excellent timberland close the dighi.
A gigantic tank in the salon. There will be various types of fowls and ducks will fill the psyche. You can stroll around the asphalt and stroll around the jump. That path around 4 km There are numerous old high edges hills in the wilderness, which you may never have seen.
India fringe close to Alatdighi What else you can see as a little something extra is that the little towns of Adivasis close to the spot. On the off chance that you wish, you can go to see their life there as well. But since of the wilderness climate, it is acceptable to return from the night prior to night.
11. Baraiyadhala National Park
Announced as a safe-haven in 2010, Baroiyadhala incorporates 2933.61 hectares. It is situated at east site of Dhaka-Chittagong Roadway, Chittagong Region. It incorporates two beats, Baroiyadhala and Bortakia. Among
the current woods biodiversity in Bangladesh, this Public Park is eminent. The biological system of this Public Park is assuming a significant function to alleviate the effects of environmental change.
Baroiyadhala Public Park secures undisturbed tropical timberland. In contrast to numerous different timberlands in Bangladesh, the trees cover around there has expanded in late many years.
The recreation center associates with timberlands in the Chittagong Slope Plots, giving significant natural life passageways to Bangladesh’s vanishing vegetation.
Little groups of jeopardized Dhole visit the recreation center routinely. Baroiyadhala is one of only a handful hardly any backwoods in Bangladesh where the jeopardized types of fishing feline is found. Bon morag, Pig, Squirrel, Fox, Bagdus are discovered generally among other outstanding species.
Under Barioyadhala range 566 families are living and they are poor and depend to a significant degree on woodland assets – without pay producing choices, for example, eco-the travel industry.
Numerous individuals are living in two ethnic networks situated in the Public Park, the territory of Mirshawari Upazilla. This compromises the biodiversity and nature of Baroiyadhala Public Park.
12. Birgonj National Park
Birganj Public Park arranged in Dinajpur Area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Govt. declared this park as public woods 2011. In excess of 168 hectares territory covers this public timberland.
13. Kadigarh National Park
Kadigarh National Park is a national park located in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh.
Kadigarh National Park is a national park located in Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. It was established on October 24, 2010. This national park consists of 344.13 hectares of land.
The park is located about 1 km north of Kachina Bazar on the sidestore to Sakhipur road in Kachina union of Bhaluka upazila of Mymensingh, next to Palgaon crossroads, north of Kachina village and east of Palgaon village.
Under Mymensingh Forest Department: A bit of Bhaluka range is Kadigarh bit. There are Manmohan Gazari Gardens and Teak Gardens. There are Hanuman and monkeys in the garden. It is a wonderful combination of a very beautiful natural and man-made forest.
The gardens of Minjiri, Arjuna and Teak, which were created long ago, have now taken the form of natural forests. Coming close to nature, the beauty of this greenery and the chirping of mind-blowing birds will enchant the nature-loving people.
During the dry season, many people come here for picnics and surrender to the mesmerizing power of nature. Geographical location of the area: 24×19.60 ৭ north latitude 90x 19.11 ৭ east longitude.
From Dhaka, take a Mymensingh-bound bus to Seedstore Bazaar and from there you can go to Kadigarh National Park by adding CNG at a fare of 150.00 BDT.
14. Khadim Nagar National Park
Khadim NagarNational Park (Bengali: খাদিমনগর জাতীয় উদ্যান) is a significant public park and nature hold in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated at Sylhet Sadar Upazila, Sylhet Locale in the North-East area of the nation.
It is found basically on the Slopes and is encircled by Kalagool, Bhurjan and Goolni tea homes. Khadim Nagar Public Park covers roughly 679 ha (6.79 km2) of evergreen woodlands Biome.
The English frontier individuals cleared the land for broad tea estates. After 1950 tree estates of teak, Garjan, Bamboo, Champa, Agar, Akashmoni, Eucalyptus and Acacia Mangium was completed by Woods Office.
The Woodland was announced as public park by the Bangladesh government on 13 April 2006 under the Bangladesh untamed life (Conservation) Correction Demonstration of 1947.
The current woodland is isolated into 6 timberland working circles.The backwoods region has LR manors 380 Ha, SR Estates 10 Ha, Bamboo Ranches 150Ha, Stick estates 258Ha and Agar Estates 40ha.
15. Kuakata National Park
Kuakata Public Park (Bengali: কুয়াকাটা জাতীয় উদ্যান) is IUCN Classification II public park and nature hold in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated at Kalapara Upazila under Patuakhali District.
It has been pronounced as one of the protected zones for vultures according to the Vulture Safe Zone-2 Timetable of the administration of Bangladesh.
The recreation center was formally announced as a public park by the administration of Bangladesh on 24 October 2010 with the end goal of preservation of vegetation, fauna, nature and advancement of the travel industry offices. It covers a territory of 1613 hectares.
16. Nababgonj National Park
Nawabganj Public Park (privately known as Panchabati Backwoods) (Bengali: নবাবগঞ্জ জাতীয় উদ্যান) is IUCN Class IV public park and nature hold in Bangladesh. The recreation center is situated around one kilometer northwest of Nawabganj Upazila Sadar under Dinajpur Region.
It comprises of Jagannathpur, Harilakhur, Bara Jalalpur, Alokdhuti, Tarpanghat, Rasulpur and Khatkhatia Kristapur region of Nawabganj backwoods. The prevailing vegetations of Nawabganj Public Park are shorea robusta and teak.
There are likewise gmelina arborea, eucalyptus regnans, syzygium cumini, acacia auriculiformis and barely any kinds of orchidaceae. Wild creatures incorporate wildcats, Bengal foxs, fishing felines and snakes.
The recreation center was formally pronounced as a public park by the legislature of Bangladesh on 24 October 2010 with the end goal of preservation of greenery, fauna, nature and advancement of the travel industry offices. It covers a zone of 517.61 hectares.
17. Shingra National Park
The all out territory of Singra Shalban is 355 hectares. The timberland is spread more than four mouzas. The four mouzas are Dala town, Chaulia, Singra and Nartdangi of Bhognagar association.
As indicated by the mouzas of 1974, 1975 and 2004, the woodland was pronounced as a reedded backwoods. It has been known as a (Vested Woods) since 1958. In October 2010, a zone of 305.69 hectares of the woods was proclaimed as a “Secured Territory” Public Park.
Step by step instructions to arrive: Singra Shalban is situated in Bhoganagar Association No. 7 of Birganj Upazila. The backwoods is under Thakurgaon Reach and Dinajpur Woods Division.
The all out territory of Singra Shalban is 355 hectares. The timberland is spread more than four mouzas. The four mouzas are Dala town, Chaulia, Singra and Nartdangi of Bhognagar association.
As indicated by the mouzas of 1974, 1975 and 2004, the woodland was pronounced as a reedded backwoods. It has been known as a (Vested Woods) since 1958. In October 2010, a zone of 305.69 hectares of the woods was proclaimed as a “Secured Territory” Public Park.
Step by step instructions to arrive: Singra Shalban is situated in Bhoganagar Association No. 7 of Birganj Upazila. The backwoods is under Thakurgaon Reach and Dinajpur Woods Division.
The woodland is found roughly 15 km from Birganj upazila and 45 km (north west) from Dinajpur area base camp. The timberland stretches out inside 1 km toward the south, somewhat in front of the 25 miles of Dinajpur Thakurgaon Interstate.
18. Sheikh Jamal Inani National Park
Sheik Jamal Inani Public Park (otherwise called Inani Public Park’) is an ensured public park in Bangladesh. Situated at Ukhia Upazila under Cox’s Bazar Region, the recreation center is named after Sheik Jamal, the second child of Bangladesh’s first president Sheik Mujibur Rahman.
The administration of Bangladesh announced it as a public park on 9 July 2019. Home toward the Western hoolock gibbon, it covers a territory of 7,085 hectares. It is situated in the Inani saved woods scope of Ukhia.