Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price 2022

Do you want to travel Dhaka to Rajshahi or Rajshahi to Dhaka by Train? If you have an interest in the train journey, then you can travel Dhaka/Rajshahi by train. Several trains are running on Dhaka/Rajshahi route and Rajshahi to Dhaka route. Dhaka-Rajshahi Train schedule is one of the most popular queries among those people who want to travel Rajshahi to Dhaka or “Dhaka to Rajshahi” by train,
First, you need to know the train schedule for the route you want to travel. If you are going from Dhaka, then you need to know Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule. If you are traveling from Rajshahi, then you need to know Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule
Here in this article, we are going to discuss Dhaka to Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price also because sometimes people may get confused with the cost to train tickets. We are providing information here according to Bangladesh Railway official website. We will also update this information whenever the official source changes anything.

The above image contains all the train’s Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule.
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule Explained
You know that Rajshahi is a division of Bangladesh. As a division, it has a different significance all over the country. So many people are traveling daily on those routes of Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Dhaka because it is a division.
There are as many as four trains runs on those route controlled by Bangladesh Railway. Intercity and local these two types of the train is available under the Bangladesh Railway service. But only Intercity trains are available on this route. The names of those trains are in the list below.
- Dhumketu Express
- Silkcity Express
- Bonolota Express
- Padma Express
All of them are running on the route of Dhaka to Rajshahi with only one off-day in a week. The off-day distribution is quite simple on this route. Only Dhumketu express takes off-day on Saturday. We will share all other off-days later on this post.
We will also share the stoppages, destinations, as well as departure time and arrival time. Finish reading this article. You will know and understand everything you need to know for traveling Dhaka to Rajshahi or Rajshahi to Dhaka by train.
Name of the Train (No) | Off day | Departure time | Arrival time |
Dhumketu Express (770) | Saturday | 6:00 AM | 11:50 AM |
Bonolota Express (792) | Friday | 7:00 AM | 11:40 AM |
Silk city express (754) | Sunday | 2:40 PM | 9:05 PM |
Padma Express (760) | Tuesday | 9:10 PM | 4:50 AM |
Rajshahi To Dhaka Train Schedule
WE all know that Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. Many people come here to work from every corner of Bangladesh. Like this way from Rajshahi also many people come to Dhaka. Most of the people using the train service for traveling to Rajshahi for their specific purpose and they also feel comfortable on train travel.
Now if you want to travel Rajshahi to Dhaka by train, then you must need to know Rajshahi to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price also. In this section of this article, we will discuss everything related to Rajshahi to Dhaka train travel schedule along with the ticket price.
You must know that those trains are traveling Dhaka to Rajshahi, the same rail coaches are running on Rajshahi to Dhaka also. You can identify their route by every train’s specific code number. Such as, fro Dhumketu express, the code is 770 when it travels from Dhaka to Rajshahi and when Dhumketu express goes Rajshahi to Dhaka the code changes to 771.
The off-days are also different for both destinations on Rajshahi to Dhaka travel route. Such as, for Rajshahi the off-day of Dhumketu express is Sunday and for Dhaka it is Saturday. Let’s discuss other relevant information regarding Rajshahi to the Dhaka train schedule and ticket price.
Name of the train (No) | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Dhumketue Express (771) | Sunday | 7:40 | 13:30 |
Bonolota Express (793) | Tuesday | 16:00 | 21:40 |
Silk city express (755) | Friday | 23:20 | 4:50 |
Padma Express (761) | Friday | 7:00 | 11:40 |
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Details
As you know that only four intercity trains are running in this Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Dhaka rail route. Here in this section, we will discuss about those four intercity trains for your assistance. So that you can get proper information before traveling Rajshahi to Dhaka to Dhaka to Rajshahi.
Bonolota Express
Bonolota Express is the latest upgrade to the Dhaka – Rajshahi rail route. It is the most upgraded facility that contained rail couch in this route. It started its service on this route on 25th April 2019. It is also the fastest train on this route. It takes only four and a half (4.5) hours to reach its destination.
Banalota Express starts its journey from Rajshahi at 07:00 AM, and it reaches Dhaka at 11:40 AM. Bonolata Express starts its journey from Dhaka at 01:15 PM, and it reaches Rajshahi at 06:00 PM.
Banolata express has 12 passenger bogies, excluding the engine, and it can carry a minimum of 928 passengers. Previously the food fair was included within the ticket price. But on may 2019 that was stopped by the government. Meaning is that now there will be no food supply during your journey from Railway authority.
Dhumketu Express
Dhumketu Express is one of the most popular rail-couch travelling in this Dhaka to Rajshahi and Rajshahi to Dhaka train travel service. The journey of Dhumketu Express starts from Dhaka at 06:00 AM. After six (06) hours of the long journey, it reaches Rajshahi at 12:00 PM.
Dhumketu Express starts its journey from Rajshahi at 11.20 PM and after more than five (05) hours of traveling it reaches Dhaka at 04:50 AM. This train also has off-day which is, Monday from Rajshahi and Tuesday from Dhaka.
Padma Express
Padma Express is another one of the most popular rail-couch traveling on Dhaka – Rajshahi rail route. Train code of Padma Express is from Dhaka 761 and Rajshahi it is 762. It starts its travel from Rajshahi at 04:00 PM after more than five hours it reaches Dhaka at 09:40 PM. From Dhaka, it begins at 10:45 PM and arrives at Rajshahi at 04:45 AM.

There are more than seven (07) stoppages where Padma Express stops on Dhaka – Rajshahi rail-route. In the below table we are going to display all of the stations or stoppages where you can travel by Padma Express.
Station Name | Up Time (759) | Down Time (760) |
Bimanbondor | 23:27 | 21:09 |
Joydebpur | 00:01 | 20:36 |
Tangail | 01:00 | 19:25 |
B.B. East | 01:25 | 19:03 |
Shaheed M Monsur Ali | 02:01 | 18:21 |
Ullapara | 02:21 | 18:02 |
Boralbridge | 02:41 | 17:43 |
Chatmohor | 02:57 | 17:27 |
Ishwardi Bypass | 03:20 | 17:00 |
Abdulpur | 03:36 | 16:44 |
The above table is the detalied train schedule of Padma Express for several stoppages. There are many other substations where the train (Padma Express) may stops. The other substations are Chatmohar, Ishwardi Bypass, Chatmohor, Boral Bridge, Bangabandhu Bridge, Tangail, etc.
Silk City Express
The Silk City Express is the most popular Intercity train service running on Dhaka – Rajshahi route for years. It starts its journey from Dhaka Kamala Pur railway station at 02:45 PM, and after more than 5 hours it reaches Chapainababganj, Rajshahi Railway station at 08:35 PM. It starts its return journey from Chapainababganj, Rajshahi at 07:40 AM at it reaches Dhaka at 01:30 PM. Holiday from Dhaka and Rajshahi is Sunday.
Silk City has only few stoppages in Dhaka to Rajshahi or Rajshahi to Dhaka route. Here is the list of those stoppages at a glance.
- Ullapara
- Joydevpur
- Sirajganj Bazar
- Tangail
- Bimanbandor
Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Prices
Now that you have come this far, let’s share the ticket price of Rajshahi rail route from dhaka. This is very important for you to know how much it will cost you to travel Dhaka to Rajshahi or Rajshahi to Dhaka. Though the price is the same for both routes. However, below is a table of Dhaka to Rajshahi train ticket price and Rajshahi to Dhaka tract ticket price.
Category | Price |
Shovon Chair | 375 Taka |
Snighdha | 725 Taka |
AC Seat | 890 Taka (Appx) |
AC Berth | 1175 Taka (Appx) |
Finishing Words
We hope now you know all about Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule and ticket price. We are at the end of this discussion of Dhaka – Rajshahi train. We are trying to assist you by providing important information. We are publishing informative articles regularly. Be with Mr. BD Guide. You will get everything you need related to information. Apart from this, if you need any information or if you have any queries please let us know through the comment box below. You can also use the contact us page for contacting us.
Thank you admin for publishing this article online. I was searching for details of Dhaka to Rajshahi train schedule. I was travelling to Khulna other day. I read a post related to Dhaka to Khulna train schedule also. I will visit after some day to Rajshahi and I will need information about ticket price and train timings also. I have got what I need and now I can visit Rajshahi so easily that I have read your post.
Thanks Habib for your informative content.