Ministry of Defence (MoD) Latest Job Circular 2020

Ministry of Defence (MoD) Job Circular 2020 has been distributed in online job gateway likewise find on my site BD Jobs Careers. The Ministry of Barrier (MoD) (Bengali: Protirakha Montronaloya) is a Bangladeshi government ministry. The MoD is going by the Clergyman of Protection, a regular citizen and individual from the bureau.
Ministry of Defence Latest Job Circular 2020
The post is generally held by the Head administrator of Bangladesh, who additionally fills in as the President’s second-in-order of the military. Rather than training in different countries, the MoD doesn’t practice order authority over the Bangladesh Military, which is rather subordinate to the Military Division (AFD). Despite the fact that the Ministry of Barrier administration is transcendently non-military personnel, the military applies generous impact over its tasks.
Recruitment of Defence Ministry of Bangladesh
Recruitment process of any government organization is the same because all organizations are following the same policy. Job circular of Defence ministry published several months earlier. Most of the ministry publishes their job circular following this way.
Ministry of Defence job career is very much tough because this ministry works to defend our country. As they are working for the country so the job responsibility is also very difficult and sensitive. So, if you are passionate about a career in Defence ministry you must have to prepare yourself very politely and hard at the same time.
To apply in this ministry’s job you need to practice and study hard like for the other governmental jobs. Nowadays jobs in government agency becoming so hard as here so many people are applying for the job. So, if you are interested in this job you need to apply right now.
You can do this by following the same rules and regulations you practice when you are applying for any other government job. In the below section, we are going to share the job details of Bangladesh Ministry of Defence.
Defence Ministry Job Circular Details
- Origination Name: Ministry of Defense.
- Job Position: Mention the below Circular
- Published Date: 4 February 2020
- Application Deadline: 13, 20 February and 3 March 2020
- Number of Job Vacancies: see the image
- Salary: According to Government Pay Scale
- Age Limit: N/A
- Experience Requirements: N/A
- Educational Qualification: Mention The Below Circular
- Type of Jobs: Government Jobs.
- Job category: Full Time.
- Website:
- Other Benefits: As per Government Policy.
- Jobs Location: Dhaka
- Job Source: Online job portal.
- How to Apply: Manual, See Job Circular Image.
Ministry of Defence (MoD) Job Circular 2020

Application Deadline: 3 March 2020
Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST) Job Circular 2020

Application Deadline: 20 February 2020

Application Deadline: 13 February 2020

Application Deadline: 26 January 2020
How To Apply For Job in Ministry of Defence 2020
Do you interested to apply for a job in the Ministry of Defence (MOD)? If you are interested, then you are in the right platform because we are going to share Dhaka University Job Application Process Step By Step. Let’s Start,
- Step 01: You must download the Job Circular From Above Source.
- Step 02: You must read all the details about the application process.
- Step 03: Now, you need to identify that you can apply for this job.
- Step 04: After that, you need to fill-up the form of application online. Which you collect here:
- Step 04: Then you need to fill-up the form very carefully, there cannot be any mistake.
- Step 05: Sometimes you need to download and print after filling up the form correctly and send it to the required address.
- Step 06: Check twice the documents you attached with the application before sending.
- Step 07: Read the job circular very carefully before you send the application or submit it online.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Latest Job Circular 2020
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Finishing Words
We are moving forward with the belief that our information is helping people like you who are regularly searching for latest job circular online. Sometimes they cannot get what they are finding online. But here on this website, you will get everything you need to know about the latest job circular.