8 Newborn Care Tips for New Parents

Congratulations, you have made it through the hard months of pregnancy and conquered labor pains! Now you have your cute little bundle of joy in your arms and the enormous responsibility of newborn care on your shoulders. Adjusting to a new parent’s lifestyle can be tricky, but you can beat this round, too; you just need a few tips and tricks.
8 Newborn Care Tips for New Parents
You are now prepared to return home and start a new life with your baby after a successful pregnancy, labor, and delivery. On the other hand, after you get home, you can feel completely lost!
Even the most anxious new parents can soon feel comfortable taking care of a baby thanks to these advices.
Getting help
Given how busy and difficult this time might be, think about seeking assistance. Speak with the medical professionals in the hospital.
You can get started breastfeeding or bottle-feeding with the assistance of one of the several hospitals’ lactation consultants or feeding specialists. To learn how to hold, burp, change, and care for your baby, nurses are a terrific resource.
Hire an experienced Nanny
With a fragile life to take care of, don’t be surprised when you will find no time to run errands around the house, let alone get rest. It is why you should consider hiring a nanny. Suppose you and your partner have work commitments as well.
In that case, personal, social, and professional life might eventually become unmanageable. For working parents, a nanny is a need.
An extra helping hand will get a little load off your end. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can get professionally-trained and experienced nannies from a reliable childcare service.
Getting a nanny is even more critical if your newborn has some birth injury and requires extra care. Birth injuries can be extra hard to deal with; you have to worry about the medical costs on top of emotionally-occupying circumstances.
In addition, if the birth injury resulted from medical malpractice, you need to take legal help from experienced lawyers.
You can visit Birth Injury Justice Center to learn everything about birth injury settlements, medical malpractice claims, and other useful information.
Call Experienced Relatives
In an attempt to do everything right, your mind will be flooded with too many questions. Sometimes you would be able to find answers through online blogs and parenting guides; other times, you won’t. So don’t hesitate to give a call to your experienced relatives whenever you feel uncertain about something.
Infants should be fed every two to three hours during the day and night unless your pediatrician instructs you differently.
At the feed’s START, start the clock. The second feeding should begin between 9 and 10 am, for instance, if you begin feeding your infant at 7 am and finish at 7:40 am. Yes, babies need to eat a lot.
Ease Milk Flow and Discomfort
If you notice your child struggling with feeding, your milk ducts are probably blocked. In case of blocked ducts or engorged breasts, applying heat using a warm compress can help.
Alternatively, you can use a warm washcloth or heating pad to warm your breasts and ease the milk flow. It’s normal for many women to experience sore breasts after nursing. A cold pack can decrease soreness and relieve discomfort.
Prepare for Breastfeeding
Your newborn needs to be fed after every two or three hours. You would have to drop everything when it’s feeding time. Make sure this time is comfortable for you.
Find the breastfeeding position that works well for you and your baby. Remember to use the toilet beforehand. Grab a magazine to enjoy while your baby feeds.
Manage a Well-fed but Fussy Baby
Even after nursing, your baby might be a little fussy. It happens when they have swallowed air while feeding. To prevent this, try burping your baby each time you switch breasts.
To induce a burp, Hold your baby straight-up against your chest with their chin on your shoulder. Then, lightly tap their back. Another way is to lay your baby on your lap on their stomach.
Keep baby’s head a bit higher than their chest, and ensure you provide enough support. Then, gently pat your little one’s back.
Infants need to sleep for a total of 16 hours, yet they often only do so for periods of 2 to 4 hours. Because a baby’s digestive system is still growing, you might need to wake them up every four hours to feed them.
They could begin sleeping through the night for 6 to 8 hours after they are 3 months old. It may take longer for some babies to start sleeping through the night since each infant develops their unique sleep routines.
Sync Your Sleeping Routine
With a newborn around, you are bound to get tired. Your baby needs attention whenever they’re awake. Hence the only time you would have for yourself is when they fall asleep.
The old advice of “sleep when the baby sleeps” is your best chance at getting rest. Babies often sleep right after nursing. That is when you can grab the opportunity to take a nap.
Work as a Team
Babies communicate through crying. So be prepared to hear more than a couple of cries each night when it’s time for feeding. Instead of just one of the partners taking sole responsibility for the baby, take shifts.
One night, it could be one partner’s duty to look after the cranky, hungry baby; the other night, the second partner takes charge.
Reduce Stimulation Near Bedtime
The greater the stimulation around, the harder it would be to get your newborn to sleep. You might find it helpful not to play with your baby near night and keep the lights low.
Put your baby down in the cot as soon as you feed and change them. Keep your voice quiet and talk as little as possible to avoid disrupting the dozing process.
Take Care of How the Baby sleeps
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is of grave concern. And you should ensure you are following safe sleeping practices. For the first six months, sleep in the same room as your baby, but do not share a bed with them, nor sleep with your baby on an armchair or sofa. Instead, let the baby sleep in their crib.
Always place your baby on their back to sleep. Avoid using blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, and quilts in the cot. If you have to use blankets, ensure that your baby’s head is uncovered and the covering is tucked only to the shoulders
Soothe Cranky Baby
If your newborn is crying, you should try making them comfortable. First, ensure they are dry, clean, and warm. Next, give your attention-seeking munchkin a pacifier; babies often learn to comfort themselves by sucking. Soft swaddling, mimicking womb-like movements, can calm your baby too.
Other tricks to calm the baby include gently stroking their belly or light massage-stroking their head from the forehead. Sometimes, your baby needs a change of scenery; taking them out in a stroller in a peaceful neighborhood might stop the crying too.
Final Thoughts
Sadly, your baby won’t be this small and delicate for long. It is just the starting period after birth that is overwhelming and chaotic. For the first few months, everything will revolve around your little ray of sunshine; after all, everything related to your baby is a high priority.
It is easy to fret and get overwhelmed. But remember, learning is alright even if you occasionally make mistakes. Parenting can be challenging and tricky, and you are trying your best. Following these tips can make this journey plain sailing and more joyful for yourself.