Black Eye

Why Wont My Black Eye Go Away

A black eye is usually the result of bleeding underneath the skin around the eye. The blood pooled there causes the area to appear dark or discolored. In most cases, a black eye will go away on its own within 2 weeks.

However, there are some instances where a black eye may not go away and could even worsen without treatment.

A black eye is usually the result of bleeding underneath the skin around the eye. The blood pools and causes the area to turn black or blue. A black eye can be painful and may take several weeks to heal.

If you have a black eye, there are a few things you can do to help speed up the healing process.

Black Eye Won’T Go Away After Months

A black eye is a bruise that occurs when blood collects in the space around the eye. The medical term for a black eye is periorbital hematoma. A black eye usually heals on its own within 2 to 4 weeks.

However, in some cases, a black eye can take months to go away.If you have a black eye that won’t go away after several weeks, it’s important to see your doctor. There are several possible causes of a persisting black eye, including:

-Blood clotting disorders -Glaucoma -Infection

-TumorTreatments for a persisting black eye will vary depending on the underlying cause. If your doctor suspects that you have a blood clotting disorder, they may recommend taking blood thinners.

If you have glaucoma, your doctor may prescribe medication or surgery to improve drainage and reduce pressure in the eye. If an infection is present, antibiotics may be necessary. In some cases, radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be recommended if a tumor is present.

If you have a black eye that won’t go away after several weeks, it’s important to see your doctor so they can determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.

How to Get Rid of a Black Eye in 30 Minutes

If you have a black eye, don’t despair! There are several ways to get rid of it quickly. You can use a cold compress, make a special cream, or even use an old home remedy.

A cold compress is the quickest way to reduce swelling and bruising. Simply apply a clean cloth soaked in cold water to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this process as often as necessary until the swelling goes down.

You can also make a special cream to help speed up the healing process. Mix together 1 tablespoon each of Arnica gel and vitamin E oil. Apply this mixture to the black eye 2-3 times per day until it disappears.

Finally, if you want to try an old home remedy, place a raw potato over the black eye for 30 minutes. The potato will help draw out the bruise and reduce swelling.

Bruise under Eye Won’T Go Away

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and bruises happen more easily. If you have a bruise under your eye that won’t go away, it could be because the blood vessels in that area are weaker and more prone to breaking.There are a few things you can do to help get rid of a bruise:

-Apply a cold compress to the area for 10-15 minutes at a time. This will help reduce swelling and inflammation.-Take Arnica montana pills or gel which is an herbal remedy that helps with bruising.

-Make sure you’re eating enough vitamin C as this helps with collagen production and healing wounds. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and strawberries.

When to Worry About a Black Eye

Most black eyes are nothing to worry about and will heal on their own. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms along with your black eye, it’s important to see a doctor:– severe pain

– numbness or tingling in the affected area – difficulty moving the affected eye or eyelid – vision problems

Vicks for Black Eye

Most people don’t realize that Vicks can be used for more than just congestion and colds. It turns out that Vicks is also great for treating black eyes.To use, simply apply a small amount of Vicks to the affected area and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes.

You’ll notice a dramatic difference in the appearance of your black eye!

Black Eye Healing Time Lapse

A black eye is usually a minor injury. However, it can take weeks or even months for the bruising and swelling to go away completely. In this time lapse video, you can see the healing process of a black eye from start to finish.

The video begins with a close-up of a man’s face with a large black eye. The bruise is darkest around the edge of the eye socket and gets lighter towards the center of the eye. As days pass, the bruise begins to fade and the swelling goes down.

By day seven, the black eye is almost gone.While most black eyes heal on their own within two weeks, some may take longer. If your black eye does not improve after two weeks, or if you experience severe pain, vision problems, or bleeding, be sure to see your doctor.

How to Get Rid of a Swollen Black Eye Quickly

There are a few different ways that you can try to get rid of a swollen black eye quickly. The first thing you can do is apply a cold compress to the area for fifteen minutes at a time. You can also try taking over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling.

If the swelling is really bad, you may need to see a doctor to get a corticosteroid injection.

What Happens If a Black Eye Doesn’T Go Away?

If you have a black eye that doesn’t go away, it’s important to see a doctor. While most black eyes are harmless and will resolve on their own, some can be indicative of a more serious underlying condition. For example, if you have a black eye along with severe pain, swelling, or vision problems, this could be a sign of orbital cellulitis, which is a serious infection of the tissues around the eye.

Treatment for orbital cellulitis typically includes antibiotics and sometimes surgery. Therefore, if you have any concerns about your black eye, it’s best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor.

Can a Black Eye Last for Months?

A black eye is usually the result of bleeding and swelling under the skin around the eye. The darkness of the bruising is due to the blood seeping into the tissue. A black eye can last for a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.

In some cases, however, a black eye can last for months. This is often seen in people who have had surgery on their eyes or have suffered an injury that has caused damage to the bones and muscles around the eye. If you have a black eye that lasts for more than a couple of weeks, it is important to see your doctor to make sure that there is no underlying condition causing it.

Can Black Eyes Be Permanent?

While black eyes are usually not permanent, they can last for weeks or even months. The reason why black eyes are not permanent is because the blood that pools in the area around the eye dissipates over time. However, if the blood does not dissipate properly, it can cause a hematoma, which is a localized collection of blood that forms outside of blood vessels.

This can cause the black eye to be permanent.

How Do You Know If a Black Eye is Serious?

If you have a black eye, it is important to determine how serious it is. A black eye can be caused by a number of things, ranging from a minor injury to the face to a more serious underlying condition. Here are some things to look for when determining the seriousness of a black eye:

-The size and location of the black eye. A large or swollen black eye that is located near the temple or in the center of the forehead is usually more serious than a small black eye that is on the edge of the eyelid.-The severity of pain.

Ablack eye that is accompanied by severe pain is usually more serious than one that doesn’t cause much discomfort.-The presence of other symptoms. If you have a black eye and also experience dizziness, nausea, or vision problems, this could be indicative of a more serious problem.

3 Ways To Get Rid Of A Black Eye FAST!!!


A black eye is usually the result of bleeding underneath the skin around the eye. The blood pools and causes the area to turn black or blue. In most cases, a black eye will go away on its own within 2 weeks.

However, there are some things you can do to help speed up the healing process.

Mr. BD Guide

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