HSC Result 2022 with EIIN Number Full Institution Result

If you are contentiously searching for a query “How To Check HSC Result With EIIN Number?.” Then you are in the right place because, here in this article we are going to discuss about checking EIIN Number wise HSC Result.
At the time of result publishing, everybody tries to get the HSC exam result before everybody else. But sometimes, the website can not handle this large number of visitors at a time. The server of the website crushed. Then nobody can get any result if the server get crushed.
Education Board Web-based Result System For Institutions
Most of the student are not going to use this process to get their result. But teachers and sensible students are going to check college wise result. Because if you are not able to get individual result from result publishing website then you should try to get college wise result.
Below we explained step by step process so that you can follow those steps and easily get the HSC result EIIN Number. If you can follow the steps and instructions below. Then you will be able to get HSC Result EIIN Number wise very easily.
How can I check HSC Result 2020 with College EIIN Number
We will share two methods of getting your college wise HSC result. Purpose of providing two different method is to help you thirstily. Because if anything wrong happens to one source then you can use other source to get HSC result college wise.
First method we are going to show you is according to education board’s official online result publishing system. You know that education board Bangladesh is not only providing the individual HSC / Alim result through internet but also they are providing institutional HSC result college wise. From this source you will be able to get the center’s result, board-wise results along with the marksheet of all HSC result board.
Second method we are going to share with you is based on the central education board’s official web based result publication system. Education board Bangladesh introduced a new era of result getting system based on online result publication along with the all subject’s marksheet. By this system you will not only get the college / madrasah / institution wise result but also the HSC / Alim / Vocational HSC marksheet results.
Let’s now wait and get the “how to” instructions for HSC Result with EIIN Number.
Below is the first method to get HSC result with EIIN number college wise. By following below instructions you will get your HSC result online college wise with EIIN number. Now to get HSC result 2020 through Institution’s EIIN Number you need to know the system and process of how to get HSC result By EIIN Number. Let’s start,
- Step-01: Visit the education board’s official website link of E-Board Results
- Step-02: Click Institutional Result Button
- Step-03: Select HSC/Alim/Equivalent as Examination
- Step-04: Select 2020 as Passing Year
- Step-05: Select Your Education Board Name
- Step-06: Select Result Type (Individual for Students, Institution for Teacher)
- Step-07: By Selecting Institution, Enter Your College EIIN Number
- Step-08: Enter Security Key
- Step-09: Click “Get Result”
By following below image you can find HSC result EIIN number college wise.

Now we will discuss about the second method: How to get HSC Result College Wise from education board result publishing system. By Following our instruction before here also you will get your college wise result very fast. Now to get HSC / Alim / Vocation HSC results 2020 through Institution’s EIIN Number you need to know the system and process of how to get HSC result By EIIN Number. Let’s start,
Now Here are the steps you should use in the form below,
- Step-01: Click on Institution Result.
- Step-02: Select HSC From Drop-Down Menu
- Step-03: Select Year From The Menu
- Step-04: Select Your Board
- Step-05: Write Down Your Roll Number
- Step-06: Type Down Your Registration Number
- Step-07: Write Down The Security Key
- Step-08: Hit Get Result
This year 2020, HSC Board Exam initiated from April 2nd and ended on 15th May 2020. All education board including Eight general education board under Bangladesh Education Board provides HSC Board Exam Result.
Bangladesh Madrasah Board also provides Alim Result & Technical Board provides HSC BM Result at the same time. Because those exam are different but other activities are the same.
Why You Need EIIN Number For HSC Institutional Result
Now that we shared both method to get your HSC result online by providing EIIN number for you. But why do you need to know this specific process. Is it really need for you as a student?
Well, its not that simple to answer your question with a single word or a sentence. You need to understand the importance and the risk behind not knowing this process.
let’s suppose, you are trying to get HSC result online for quite sometime. But you could not able to get your result. After sometime time passed, you get to know that, the HSC result publishing website is down. You know this term “Website Down or Server Down” before, right?
Yes, its a common term used a lot during result publishing season. Because whenever all the people tries to get their result at the same time and visit the official website’s then the site could not resist it and it crushed down. This term is known as server down or website down.
Generally people or students are trying to get their result from individual result server. But less people are aware about the institutional result server. So, as a result they visit less on the website. But if you are not able to get HSC result from the regular result server, then you can try the institutional result server.
Finishing Word HSC Result By EIIN Number
HSC Result with EIIN Number is more than significant you can ever know or understand. But if you complete reading this post now you might get a relative knowledge about why you need to know about HSC Result By EIIN Number.
Use this method and share it your closest people. So that, they can also avoid the individual result server and get their HSC result very fast. But like you, they also do not feeling interested about this method. But sometimes, you need to have faith on the internet and Institution Result method to get your HSC board result by providing EIIN Number of your institute.