HSC Exam Result Published 2020 । All Education Board Bangladesh

HSC Exam Result 2020 Published Date already published on the official website of Bangladesh Education Board. All Education Boards also published the date of HSC Result Published 2020 on their specific Board Website. Students and their parents can also see the announcement on educationboardresults.gov.bd.
All national and local news paper also published the HSC Result Published Date 2020 by using reference of Bangladesh Education Ministry’s press release. When HSC Result 2020 Will Publish? and What is the HSC Result 2020 Published Date? these are the most asked question right now. People are discussing about the HSC Result Date between themselves.
HSC Exam Result Published Date is the hottest topic right now. So, to provide you an authentic answer to all of those queries you searched online or asked others today we are writing this post. So, without wasting any time let’s get into HSC Result 2020 Published Date.
HSC Exam Result Published Date 2020
After starting HSC board examination this year, students are so busy attending them. Everybody is so serious about this exam. Because sometimes HSC board result make a huge issue in university admission time. If you can achieve a fantastic result then your confident level increased which help you to prepare yourself to get admission in your dream university.
HSC exam 2020 end up on 13th May 2020 and as usual students are enjoying their holiday for sometime then start worrying about their result. They started asking about the HSC result publishing time and date. Not only them, their parents and relatives also start asking them and also search Higher Secondary (School) Certificate Board Exam result 2020 publishing date.
Above mentioned dates are according to the previous years statistical dates. Because Bangladesh Education Ministry has not released the final date of HSC Result publishing yet. When the time and date will publish on their press release and on their official website, we will update it here at the same time.
But all we can say that all of the previous result publishing date points to this that, HSC Result 2020 with marksheet will be published in the month of July. The Exact date might be between 20-28 July 2020. But keep in mind that, it is not the final or official HSC Result 2020 Published Date.
There are other equivalent exams such as, Madrasah Board Alim Result 2020 Published Date, Technical Board (Vocational) HSC Result 2020 Published Date will be published also by the Authority.
But one-thing you must remember that, HSC Exam Result 2020 Published Date, Alim Exam Result 2020 Published Date and Technical Board HSC Exam Result 2020 Published Date will be same. Because All these exams are under HSC and Equivalent examinations conducted under Bangladesh Education Board.
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HSC Result Pass Rate 2020
In 2019 Higher Secondary (School) Certificate (HSC) and other Equivalent exam result passing rate was 71.85%. In 2018 the passing rate was 66.64% which means the passing rate is increasing day by day. According to the Bangladesh Education Ministry, Educated People’s percentage is increasing day by day.
Last year in 2019 74,286 people was achieved GPA-5 in HSC examination from 10 education board. This year 11 education board is conducting HSC examination. Because this year Mymensingh education board is participating as a individual education board. Last year Madrasah Board Passing rate was 88.56% and 82% passing rate was of Bangladesh Technical Education Board(BTEB).
When HSC Result 2020 Will Announced
Official Published date of HSC – Higher Secondary (School) Certificate Exam 2020 is July 25, 2020. You can find the hsc board result from internet. But here in Mr. BD Guide platform we have developed a result finding method.
If you follow our instructions then you can get your result easily. To get your hsc or alim or vocational hsc result from official website of education board of bangladesh’s official website, educationboardresults.gov.bd. You can also check hsc result marksheet by SMS.
HSC Result Published Date 2020: 25th July 2020 (02:00 PM) |
HSC Result Brief Overview 2020
HSC examination 2020 started on 2nd April and finished on 10th May. Based on the HSC Routine 2020 HSC exam started with Bangla 1st Paper. HSC or other equivalent examination has a similar exam system.
HSC Board exam divided into two parts one is written exam and the other is practical exam. According to the policy of education board of Bangladesh, at first board takes the written exam and after completing the written exams, they take the practical exams.
In addition to that, about thirteen lac fifty one thousand five hundred five students participated in HSC / Equivalent examination in 2020. This year the number of students is more than previous year. To be specific, more than 40 thousand more students compared to last year.
You should know that, this year girls student is more than boys students took part in HSC board exam 2020. Total number of girls students participated in HSC exam is six lac and eighty seven thousand. Around six lac sixty four thousand boys students are also participated in HSC exam 2020.
There are total of eleven education board is taking HSC exam under Bangladesh Education Board. Eight education boards are general education board. Providing traditional education. One is technical eduction board (Vocational) providing technical education to those who wants to learn. Madrasah Board is providing religious education along with the general education also.
Under General education board, more than eleven lac thirty eight thousand students took part in HSC board exam. Eighty eight thousand students took part in HSC / Alim examination under madrasah education board. Under technical education board (vocational) one lac 264 students are taking part in HSC vocational examination 2020. Under DIBS 43 student participated in HSC exam.
Total Students | Boys | 6,64,496 | 13,51,505 |
Girls | 6,87,009 | ||
General Board | —————— | 11,38,747 | |
Madrasah Board | ——————— | 88,451 | |
Technical / Vocational Baord | ——————— | 1,24,264 | |
DIBS | 43 |
Data Collection Source : Bangladesh Education Board Website
How to Check HSC Exam Result 2020
According to the education ministry, HSC exam result will publish on time this year. Result will be available for website and SMS both. You can get HSC exam board result from website of education boad, Bangladesh. But also you can get HSC result via SMS. Students who do not know how the check HSC exam result 2020. To help we build a server through internet to get your HSC result. Follow instructions mentioned below.

HSC Exam SMS Result Method 2020
After announcement of HSC result published date, you need to know result getting processes. if you can not able to get result online then you can get your HSC result through SMS by sending formatted text message to specific number. Mobile Operators are providing this SMS service for HSC candidates.
Government telecom Teletalk is also providing SMS result service all over the country. To get HSC result type a SMS along with your roll number, education board, and other information. Then send the SMS to 16222.
SMS Format: HSC <Space> First Three Letters of Your Education Board Name <Space> Type Roll Number <Space> 2020 & send the text to 16222.
Example: HSC JES 3948394 2020
This format only works for general education board. But if you are participated under Madrasah Education Board or Technical Education Board then the SMS Format will be different. Click below button to know all about SMS method to get HSC result.
educationboardresults.gov.bd: HSC Internet Result System 2020
Getting HSC result from internet is the most popular way till now. There are several platform from there you can get HSC result online. You know that, nowadays almost everybody has a smartphone and also has a internet access in that smartphone. If you have a laptop, computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet connection then you can easily get the HSC result from internet.
Bangladesh Education Board developed two official website to provide HSC result service. Previously students were collecting their HSC result from their specific institution. After announcing HSC result published date, education board prepare official websites to release HSC result publishing.
www.educationboardresults.gov.bd is one of the official website to get your result. If you follow the instructions below then you will be able to get your result very easily. Let’s not wait and find out how to get HSC result online.
- First of all type www.educationboardresults.gov.bd or www.eboardresults.com
- Then you have to select exam as “HSC/Alim Exam Result” from drop-down menu.
- Now in Roll No. input box you must type your Roll Numbers.
- Select your passing year.
- Lastly click on “Get Result” button.
- Now you can see your result with your information.
Education Board Wise HSC Exam Result 2020
If you want to get HSC result from your education board’s website then you can do that easily. For an example, if you are participating in HSC examination under Dinajpur education Board then you can get your HSC result from official website of Dinajpur Education Board.
There are eleven (11) education boards are providing education services in Bangladesh. Among them nine (09) are general education board and there are two completely different education board. One is Madrasah Education Board and Technical Education Board. Now below we are providing a table with education board’s information. You can get your HSC result from there.
Bangladesh All Education Board’s HSC Result Website | Official Website | SMS Format | Get HSC Result |
All Education Board HSC Exam Result 2020 Official Website | educationboardsresult.gov.bd | NA | Click Here |
Web Based HSC Result Official Website | eboardresults.com | NA | Click Here |
Dhaka Education Board HSC Result 2020 | dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> DHA <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Jessore Education Board HSC Result 2020 | jessoreboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> JES <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Dinajpur Education Board HSC Result 2020 | dinajpureducationboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> DIN <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Barisal Education Board HSC Result 2020 | barisalboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> BAR <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Mymensingh Education Board HSC Result 2020 | mymensingheducationboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> MYM <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Comilla Education Board HSC Result 2020 | comillaboard.portal.gov.bd | HSC <Space> COM <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Chittagong Education Board HSC Result 2020 | bise-ctg.portal.gov.bd | HSC <Space> CHI <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Sylhet Education Board HSC Result 2020 | sylhetboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> SYL <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Rajshahi Education Board HSC Result 2020 | rajshahieducationboard.gov.bd | HSC <Space> RAJ <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Technical (Vocational) Education Board HSC Result 2020 | bteb.gov.bd | HSC <Space> TEC <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
Madrasah Education Board Alim Result 2020 | bmeb.gov.bd | ALIM <Space> MAD <Space> Roll Number <Space> 2020 | Click Here |
HSC Result 2020 Published Date
HSC Result Published Date has announced. Now you have to wait for the result publishing day to come. But before the day come, you need to know all of those possible way to get your HSC result Marksheet easily. Because if you do not know how to get HSC result then you are going to be in trouble on HSC result Day.
Remember, on the day of HSC result publish everybody will be busy to get the HSC result of their own. If you have a smartphone or laptop and access to the internet then you can easily get your HSC result online by following instructions we have discussed above in this article.
In addition to that, if you are not able to access internet then you can also get your HSC result through SMS. We have a complete article on How to get HSC Result Through SMS. So, do not wait for the result date, just visit all of the articles we have linked here in this post, and learn all of the possible way to get your HSC result in the easiest way anyone ever learned.
Mr. BD Guide is working day and night to help you by providing information and resources you need everyday. We are a team of hard worker and dedicated to assist you with any of your probel. All you need to do it comment in the comment section below and write your problem. We will definitely try to solve your problem.